Thursday, 19 July 2012

Why the Food and Farm Bill Matters

(The below is a reprint of Siena Crisman: Why Hunger's review on 7.18.12) 

The last week (and in fact months before that) has had food, health and advocacy groups everywhere up in arms and actively supporting, berating, or debating over the 2012 Farm Bill. Often referred to now as the Food and Farm Bill, this piece of legislature passed out of the House Agriculture committee on July 12th, and since then all everyone can concentrate on is how this will be the worst farm bill yet.  I am not inclined to disagree, as a number of the new riders alone give me cause for grief.  However, I think that for the average american there's still very little understanding of how the bill applies to their lives and why they should pay attention or care at all about when and how it passes, and what it says.  Siena Crisman of Why Hunger provided a simple and short, but poignant overview this week of why we should all care about the bill.  I couldn't agree with her more, so I have reproduced it below.

1.            The Erosion of Democracy.
The food system is one of the least democratic parts of our economy. The Food and Farm Bill further consolidates the power of Big Food -- the huge food and farming corporations who make the decisions about what we eat. Average Americans no longer have a say in how our food is grown, where it comes from, what's in it, what's sprayed on it, where it's sold... the list goes on. We've almost entirely been taken out of the equation. The right to good food for all has become the right for a few to profit from food. That doesn't sound like democracy to me.

2.            The food we eat is killing us.
US agriculture policy -- as spelled out in the Food and Farm Bill -- supports this system of overproducing corn and soy, which is then fed to cattle and turned into things like high fructose corn syrup and other additives used in processed foods. The bill doesn't give nearly the same kind of financial support to grow fruits, vegetables, or other nutritious foods. These policies that encourage farming of too much corn and soy result in an abundance of cheap and ubiquitous meat and processed foods. And now we have a public health crisis of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other diet-related illnesses , because we're all eating so much meat and processed food. For the first time ever, the next generation has a lower life expectancy than its parents - because of the food they're eating! Our farm policy should support healthy food from healthy farms, not the raw ingredients for chemicals that are slowly killing us.

3.            Your fellow Americans.
The biggest portion of Food and Farm Bill spending supports the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, also known as food stamps, which has been a hugely critical safety net for millions of Americans -- as well as one of the best forms of economic stimulus, according to Moody's . The House Agriculture Committee's version of the bill, passed last week, cuts $16.5 billion dollars from SNAP. This translates to a loss of $90 dollars a month from the household budgets of 50,000 American families in the program. Almost half of SNAP participants are kids. Why are we making it harder for struggling parents to feed their children at a time of great economic hardship? SNAP is acting as designed, expanding to meet growing needs during economically difficult times; it will shrink again when the economy improves. Instead of reacting to spikes in SNAP numbers by slashing the program and pulling the safety net from struggling families, the bill should strengthen SNAP -- while we also focus on creating jobs, paying a living wage, and fixing the broken systems that made the economy collapse.

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